Global Initiatives
New York City's Global Citizen
Festival 2021
Muanzo Mpya Executive Director and Founder Eunice Akoth shared her story and our vision here at Muanzo at the 2021 NYC Global Citizen Festival. Watch here as Eunice rallies the crowd to take action through her inspirational story and work with Muanzo Mpya. Check out our feature using the link below as well. We are so grateful for Global Citizen for this incredible opportunity!
Muanzo Mpya Pen Pal Program
Muanzo Mpya has pen pal program in which we connect elementary-aged students with peers in Kibera, Kenya. We are currently working with Noah Wallace School in Farmington, Connecticut. If you are interested in getting your child or school involved, connect with us here!

Muanzo Mpya Global Webinar Series
On April 23rd, 2021, Muanzo Mpya hosted its first webinar, entitled Navigating the Duality of Kibera and the US: Life at Boarding School. This webinar, moderated by CFO Laurel Caruso, highlighted the stories of four of our Kiberan Rafikis (more information about our Rafiki program can be found in the Looking Forward section), Marion Adhiambo, Martha Achieng Odhiambo, Joice Achieng Odongo, and Marion Achieng Ouma. Listeners gained insight into the feelings of girls who have learned to balance living in two different cultures, and had the opportunity to interact with the girls through asking questions at the end.